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Film & Animation


Sound's Different.


This video was made as a response to a project in which I used sound to change the atmosphere of a scene, without using any music. 


All footage was taken on an android phone. Film and sound editing was done by myself using Adobe After Effects. Featuring: Molly McDonnell. 


My City

This was a project for The Orb studios, in which I had to come up with a 30 second video depicting "my city". I decided to focus on the journey to and from Dublin City on the train. A playful animation, but also a comment on how society has become more isolated and people no longer communicate on public transport.  


The characters were first drawn by hand then scanned and animated using Adobe After Effects.

RIAM Music Video.

I made this animation to accompany a piece of music produced by Daniella Rogan, who studied at RIAM, Dublin. 


The Mandala designs were all hand-drawn first, then scanned-in and animated using Adobe After Effects. 



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